Art & Culture

A wide selection of artistic and cultural offerings can be marveled at in Linz throughout the year. Local artists as well as national artists exhibit their works in a wide variety of exhibitions. The parish church of St. Martin, which is over 800 years old, offers very special insights into the art treasures from various centuries. In the town itself you can admire works and sculptures by local artists.

We hope you enjoy discovering the wide range of offers!


Markt 9
Ehepaar Ollers
Mattar & Scheler
Mattar & Scheler

Linz artists

You want to know more about the artists and galleries of the "Colourful City at the Rhine"?



Linz am Rhein
das musikalische und malerische Multitalent
Linz am Rhein
Druckgrafik, Künstlerbuch und Zeichnung
Linz am Rhein
Atelier für zeitgenössische Kunst & Kunstwissenschaft
Linz am Rhein
Begeisterter Hobbymaler, mit einer großen Leidenschaft für die Aquarellmalerei
Linz am Rhein
Bildhauerin, Plastikerin, Fotografin
Linz am Rhein
Dipl. Kommunikations-Designerin, Malerin und Musikpädagogin
Linz am Rhein
Linz am Rhein